Chicago Anger Management Classes

Counseling is the key to helping you to overcome anger issues. Psychological clinics, courts and jails are filled with people who require treatment because anger has literally destroyed their lives, or threatens to do so.

If you are considering anger management counseling, my guess is that you are probably not the usual bully type. Instead, you probably have a respectable job and care deeply for your family and friends, even though you often hurt them deeply.

So why do you holler and rage so easily when it literally traumatizes the spouse and kids you love so much? Keep reading to get the answer to this crucial question.

More than likely, your abusive raging is due to various factors, some of which are hidden from awareness. Because your situation is so urgent and complex, the role of anger management therapy is not to delve into the past, so much, as it is to isolate the triggers that ignite your rage, NOW- in the present!

However, as you start to get a meaningful understanding of your problem, additional factors will be explored, including any toxic childhood experiences or dysfunctional parenting to which you were exposed. After all, no one would challenge the notion that experiences from your early life, whether relatively normal or painfully traumatic, can help to shape your experiences today.

You probably remember and can visualize rage and verbal abuse that took place in your family in your past. The good news is that now, as an adult, you have many more resources and a lot of expert knowledge to draw upon that was not available to you as a kid.

If anger or rage is ruining your life or that of your long-suffering family, it is absolutely imperative that you get anger management treatment to make changes in the psychological factors that cause and worsen your rage-before it is too late!

Psychotherapy and anger management counseling teach you how to think in new ways that reduce your angry impulses and eliminate your destructive behavior. Counseling is a powerful technique that will show you how events in your life and your thoughts, moods and emotions are all linked in little-known ways to cause your angry behavior.

You will learn to dramatically change your distorted thinking and see things in a delightfully more normal perspective; your problem with rage will be totally eliminated-once and for all!

We will teach you how to instantaneously change your anger-triggering thoughts. You will finally discover how to eliminate them forever. You will be able to discard those that are destroying your life and replace them with healthy, adaptive and empowering beliefs.

We will also help you to accept yourself as you are and to care less about dysfunctional opinions of others. You will uncover the pathological and hidden ways in which you measure your self-worth and attempt to deal with the ever-present frustration you experience.

It is not an exaggeration to say that anger management therapy is a miracle that can literally change your life and save your marriage!

Our anger management program is designed to help clients who have been ordered by the court to undergo psychological treatment. We also work with voluntary clients and corporate referrals interested in positive behavioral modification.

Our anger management program focuses on healing through education. Throughout the program, we teach clients how to manage emotions, actions and behavior in healthy ways, how to develop responsibility, how to bolster their support systems within family and work life, how to understand what causes anger and how to identify situations that can quickly escalate feelings of anger.

Obviously, our primary goal is to help our clients learn to control their anger to prevent future acts of violence. However, we take this a step further by offering a real-world approach to anger management. We strive to provide our clients with the necessary skills they will need to live and work in their given environments without choosing violence in stressful situations.

As a preferred treatment provider in Cook County, our treatment programs fulfill all the sentencing requirements for those who are ordered to attend such treatment by a judge. We offer our clients a diverse range of options for handling anger in the real world, giving them resources to choose from to increase their chances of success. We can help you gain stability and peace through conflict resolution and mutual understanding.

We also provide you with “proof of enrollment” that can be used to show any court officer or employer. At the end of your classes you will receive a “Certificate of Completion.”

Click here for details: angermngt flyer


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    The problem is not that we GET angry. The problem is HOW we express our anger.


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